
How to Buy Plants Online

Things you should know before buying plants online.
buying plants online
More people are now buying plants online instead of near by plant nurseries and even the small time nurseries are now have online presence after the covid panademic the online plants kerala sector is now booming thanks to digital marketing and social media surge and after lockdown many people are now relaised the benefits of having indoor plants.

since now more companies are now switched to work from home mode the benfits of having house plants is of now more of work life balance things as taking care of plants is having lot of pshycholgical and health benefits. So here we are stating few things you should check before buying plants online and start the green loving hobby thriving.

When you start loving plants, there is no turning back. Green just blends together.

plants on desktop
things to check before choosing indoor plants

Plan for a Plant

Before making buying plants online you should plan where to keep the plant and what type of plant to buy. Since plants are living botanic members there lives are depends on main factors like Light, Soil, and most important thing Water. Most of the top online plants websites are categorized plants on the based of above factors and you can filter plants on basis of light and water requirements and you can make a decision on that, you need check where should you keep the plant weather it a window sill or a inside corridor make a list and filter your requirements rather than making impulsive buying based on photographs.

if you buy plants online based on your available space and watering patterns you can be a proud plant parents and instead of living with a guilty of a plant killing and loss of money, if you are new to botanic kingdom you can start off with easy to care and hard to kill indoor plants later you build confidence in keeping the plant members happy and thriving you can purchase new plants online which requires much care. And if you have plant lover buddy ask for a suggestion and they will gladly help you choose first green buddy So the first thing is make a plan for a plant.

Which plant should i buy?

As you know plant kingdom is so vast choosing the right plant online will be confusing for a first time plant parent so you can narrow the search by wheather you want indoor plants or outdoor plants and you can further narrow the search by plants for bedroom, plants for balcony, plants for bathroom if your plant website provides list based on following deatils you can select your plant buddy very easily and make your life and this planet much greener. If you have pets you can list plants safe for pets or pet friendly plants. If you have specfic plant decorations requirements you can ask directly and we will be happy help you choose the right plant for you.

Choose best online plant website

If you search indoor plants online plenty of websites will be listed you can check for the best ones with ones with credible support and how to care plants instructions if the website is comes with proper plant care information you can easily keep the plants alive and also check for the filters like easy to care plants, plants based on light requirements and water requirements. These kind of filters can help you choose the right plant instead of going for whats listed on online plants websites, if you’re a traveling one its sure you cant take care and water your plants on correct schedule so you can easily filter the plants which does not require regular watering and you can keep plants happy and thriving, and also check for online plant website sellers near your location you can narrow your search by adding your location with the search like indoor plants Kerala or indoor plant delivery Kochi.

since plants are living ones too much transportation time may affect the health of the plants if your plant website offers a no questions asked return that is okay and don’t always go for the price drop make sure the plants you’re getting is healthy plants and free of any plant infections and disease as this may spread to your other plants so make sure your plant website goes through proper quality checking and good plastic free package as the main aim is make this world much greener.

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