
What is Horticultural therapy?

The fundamentals of plant therapy
Aperson engaged in plant parenting knows the benefits of getting their hands dirty and establishing a connection with soil and plants. Parenting a plant nurtures not only the plants but also nurtures a soothing connection with the Mother Nature. The basics of plant therapy is the same regardless of where and how it is done although the clinical practice varies.

The fundamentals of plant therapy is as follows according to the official Horticultural Therapy website.

  1. A budding relationship with plants enhances one’s quality of life
  2. It is our innate human quality to be attracted and curious to make a connection with nature
  3. We tend to respond positively to green plants and colorful flowers, boosting our overall well-being.

The engagement of a person in gardening and plant-based activities, facilitated by a trained therapist, to achieve specific therapeutic treatment goals
The American Horticultural Therapy Association

The theory behind horticulture therapy is connected to Biophilia Hypothesis which asserts that there is a genetic-based human need and tendency to connect with nature and other forms of life. Hence, it is believed that benefits can be derived from the contact with nature. Some of the basic ideas of horticultural therapy are to help people overcome various emotional, mental and physical setbacks, encourage social interactions, compassion and mindfulness, and even stimulate memory. These can be better achieved with a combination of traditional approaches and methods as horticultural therapy is a time-proven practice.

Therapeutic horticulture, on the other hand, can be undertaken by individuals through active or passive involvement with plants. Studies have scientifically proven that plants can be very helpful in reducing anxiety, alleviating depression, and infusing calmness and mindfulness in people. Apart from these benefits, plants also have the ability to purify our indoor air and improve the aesthetics of your living and working space.

picture of a happy girl in garden
A girl in garden fixing a pot

Relaxation and feel goodness

As an escape from daily routines and office chaos, plant parenting is a perfect getaway and relaxation technique which will create a clear mind and invite fresh thoughts. Spending time with plants is also a form of meditation. Amidst today’s hectic schedules, our body is craving for some outdoor activities and connection with nature. Hence, spending time and effort taking care of plants can burn some calories through activities such as watering, weeding, and pruning. You can look forward to feeling refreshed and treating your body to good sleep and positive vibes.

Responsibility and easy to do

Being a plant parent evokes a sense of responsibility. Caring for a plant and seeing its growth will give you the feeling of accomplishment. Be it chopping down a bush and clearing weeds on your yard for seeding, gardening always gently balances your emotions and awakens your mind. This boosts your emotional well-being. Gardening is not a tough skill to develop, so anyone can be good plant parent and strengthen the sense of responsibility and patience level in the process.
Therapeutic horticulture is thus directed towards improving our well-being. It is a journey that is easy to start and worthwhile to pursue.

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