So far, 25,000 varieties of orchids have been documented. This reflects the enormous family strength and diversity of orchids. Considered exotic and elegant, orchid flowers are symmetrical, like how many other natural beings appear in our world. Compared to other flowers, orchids are extremely valuable and in demand all the time. So, here we are sharing a few important things before your adventure with orchids begin.
The delicate, exotic and graceful orchid represents love, luxury, beauty and strength
Orchids have a mystique that seems to set them apart from most of the other flowers. They are elegant and almost unreal in their perfect appearance. Not only do they provide an element of exotic decor and a treat to our eyes, but also promote a sense of calmness and act as a stress-reliever.

Right grow medium mix
Firstly, orchids do not need any soil. So, yes, it is true that you can easily make the potting mix from your backyard without any expense. The first item you need is tree bark – any tree bark from your yard is fine. You can pull off a part from a big tree in your yard and break that into small pieces. It is recommended to always sterilize the barks so that insects and bacteria on the tree barks do not affect the orchids. You can sterilize the barks by heating them in a pan for ten to fifteen minutes and then, let it cool off. You got the tree barks sterilized! The second item is the coconut mix, which you can easily find in a house. Chop them into small pieces too. The third and final item for the growing medium is charcoal. You can pick charcoal from burnt wood. Mix all three items together and, voila! The perfect potting mix for your orchid is ready.
Choosing the right pots for orchids
Your orchid pot should have lots of holes vertically and horizontally so that the bottom of the plant gets proper ventilation. This will also help the roots sprout out of those holes as they do not like to feel suffocated, affecting their growth rate. There are plenty of manufactures from whom you can purchase specific orchid specific pots. If you are reusing an old pot, ensure there are holes at its bottom and sides so that the plant can flourish.
No Direct sunlight
Orchids do not like to be placed under direct sunlight, which can be harsh on their leaves and burn them. Orchids thrive under indirect light, so always keep your orchids under the shade.
Watering tips
When watering your orchid plants, always ensure no water spill on the leaves and flowers. Water may clog the leaves’ crevices and roots, causing them to rot. Always water the orchids at right intervals: once or twice a week, depending on the season and where your plant is situated. Over watering an orchid plant may kill it, so always be careful while watering. You can immerse the bottom half of the plant in water in order to avoid spilling of water on its leaves and flowers.