
How to grow Bougainvillea

Easy propagation and care tips for the thorny yet full of flowers bougainvillea.
picture of a bougainvillea
Bougainvillea is a charmer in every garden despite its thorny affair these plants are true beauty which comes in various flower colors like white, pink, purple, salmon and orange its a outdoor plant that only requires minimum care and will flourish in your garden and occasional pruning is necessary to keep the plant bushy.

if planting on soil you have to watch out for him as he is a conqueror as it will grow off to a throne kingdom and may outgrow the near plants but once its flower you will forgive him for the view he offers as the entire place will be covered by beautiful flowers which is a eye pleasing sight. due to its sharp thrones bougainvillea usually is placed as a ground cover and gate keeper as finely pruned one will serve as awesome cover and fence and with flowers and shaped it wont be a eye sour, it can be grown in pots also you can flourish the growth by pruning and occasional nature manure servings.

Be like bougainvillea wild lush and bloom well.” …


Easy method to propagate bougainvillea

  • Perfect time for the propagate the plant is  July august and September 
  • Cut off sturdy healthy branches and you can make  4 inch to 6 inch cuttings per branch
  • While cutting do not damage the skin and cut with a clean branch cutter
  • Remove the leaves with scissors
  • Clean the cuttings in a anti fungal solution or simple water cleaning is enough
  • Perfect mix will be garden soil vermi compost coco peat and rice husk
  • Mix the soil well and plant the cuttings in a well drained large pot
  • You can apply anti fungal cream or growth hormone to the bottom of cuttings before planting
  • Keep it in a semi shaded area until the leaves comes
  • Water thoroughly two times a day
  • Ones healthy leaves are coming you can move the plant to outdoor
  • Prune the plant for bushy growth

Bougainvillea is always a landscape artists and garden decors favorite because of its solace flowery appearance and the its a wonder ground cover to shape your place you can support the plant and guide its grow path to make it look better. since it have verity of flower colors its a added advantage, older plants will bloom for a time of eight weeks its such a view once its blossomed and can fill up every plant lover mind and soul.

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